Centreless roller burnishing machines
The compact roller burnishing machine type 7489 can deal with a roller diameter of 3 to 60 mm. In the standard execution it is particularly useful for semi-automatic operation.
Customers from various sectors are availing themselves of our specialist expertise. We supply companies throughout Europe from the automotive supply industry, machine tool building sector, the aviation industry, the vehicle construction sector and medical engineering.
Machine tool
Bergener Ring 59
01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla
Fon: +49 35205 417-80
Our further developed roller burnishing machines offer an economic technology for achieving a high surface quality. Excellent slide, density and frictional properties are achieved with relatively low roller force. Precision turning and grinding operations can be saved on, thus significantly lowering production times and costs. Individual workpiece feed and discharge solutions enhance the deployment of technology for our customers.
Roller burnishing machine type 7487
The roller burnishing machine type 7487 with the roller range of 1.6 to 15 mm is outstandingly suitable for automatic production lines.
Roller burnishing machine type 7489
A longstanding collaborative partnership binds us with leading machine tool manufacturers.
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e-Mail: info@vpd-gmbh.de
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Over 25 years experience in plant construction